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 Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'(

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5 participants
Romarik Levert
Romarik Levert

Nombre de messages : 5785
Age : 39
Localisation : Haute Savoie
Date d'inscription : 30/04/2005

Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( Empty
MessageSujet: Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'(   Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( EmptyJeu 19 Sep 2013 - 5:55

Citation :
Greetings Warhammer Online Subscribers,

We here at Mythic have built an amazing relationship working with Games Workshop creating and running Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning over the last 8 years. Unfortunately, as with all licensing deals they do eventually come to end and on December 18th, 2013 we will no longer be operating Warhammer Online. As such we will no longer be selling 3 month game time codes or have the ability to auto renew your accounts for 3 months as of September 18th, 2013. If you would like to read some additional thoughts from one of WAR’s Producer please check out From all of us here at Mythic we thank you again for your dedication and support over the last five years.

If you have any questions please feel free contact us via email at


- Warhammer Team
Citation :
Reflections on my experiences with Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
Carrie Gouskos, Producer

I was first introduced to Warhammer Online, when it was added last minute to’s E3 2006 stage show. As one of the hosts of the show, my responsibility was to research the game and the franchise, gather questions from the audience, and give a thoughtful informative interview with whomever had been sent over from the development team.

I never could have anticipated what happened next. Jeff Hickman (Executive Producer) and Paul Barnett (Creative Director) gave one of the most memorable interviews in my career – and suddenly I was thrown into their universe. The online chat channel soliciting questions from the viewing public was spammed with directives like “No more questions, just let them keep talking” – which is not surprising if you’re at all familiar with Jeff Hickman’s indefatigable charisma and Paul Barnett’s passionate humor. The tone, candor, and refreshing quality of how they spoke about this game that they so clearly cared about made you just want to be a part of it. What was more surprising, however, was what followed – a large group of developers, perhaps delirious after three days of non-stop game demos, partly exhilarated by the positive response to the game, showed up at the GameSpot booth and invited me to their studio E3 party. I declined, because they scared me a little bit, but in retrospect it’s not hard to imagine how I ended up – three months later as a designer working at Mythic on Warhammer.

I made an offhanded comment the other day to someone on the Warhammer team that I spent six of the last seven years of my life working on Warhammer. There were breaks in there, but most of them still related to Warhammer in some way. Some aspects of these efforts never saw the light of day. For example, we completed, passed review, and ultimately opted not to release an iPhone companion application that would allow players to monitor the realm war and their guild status – three whole years before the studio decided to take mobile by its horns. We also spent over a year on a version aimed at the Asian markets that would convert the entire game free-to-play. The Vampire themed Blood Hunt expansion would have been a marvel. And in under a year we produced a spin-off product Wrath of Heroes, a MOBA-style game that used mostly Warhammer assets – which despite being a tremendous learning experience, never made it out of Beta. There are many memories like this, ones that I feel comfortable sharing now – including the fact that we do have two of the four remaining fully built cities (Karaz-A-Karak and Karak Eight Peaks which are truly truly beautiful but would take months and months of optimization before they could match the changes we made to the game along the way). And one of the greatest lessons I ever learned as the young unpolished Tome of Knowledge designer “Never put anything in the game that isn’t done yet and hint that it’s coming soon – see: The Cards system”. There were some beautiful ideas that were left on the cutting room floor. And they represent only a fraction of how much heart went into the game.

Most everything else made it, and Warhammer despite its flaws was a valiant effort into the MMO space. I don’t think any of its critics would ever call it boring. It struck out boldly, and some of the game’s novel features are now considered industry standard for MMOs. The credit goes to far too many to list it out here, and it’s almost irrelevant. The point is that some of the most talented people in gaming made Warhammer possible. They worked insanely long hours, and they put their heart and soul into trying to make this beautiful IP a living and breathing universe. World class artists. Genius engineers. Designers and content implementers who would put in 100 hours a week and not complain. Hard-ass producers who you would follow into battle anywhere. Writers that truly transported you. QA that wouldn’t let us get away with a thing. And so many others. For those that are still with Mythic and those that have since moved on, we couldn’t have asked for a more driven team dedicated to bringing this amazing franchise to life.

And finally, the players. If I were to list out all of the great experiences I’ve had with you, this would be a novel, so I want to say thank you from all of us to all of you for sticking with us so long. Even when you didn’t like the changes, even if you thought we made mistakes. The community made this game possible. And a special shout out to Tink for Pink – which was truly the measure of a community coming together to do something right.
Games Workshop has cultivated a world class IP. We were lucky enough to play in their universe for nearly a decade, with five great long years live. However, like all things – our contract has come to an end. Both Games Workshop and Mythic agreed to part ways, despite how hard it is emotionally on us to let the game go. It has been a tremendous honor to work with Games Workshop and even though we may be parting ways, our relationship with them remains strong. And now, hopefully, because this may be the last thing I ever write about Warhammer, I’ll be allowed to acknowledge the existence of Chaos Dwarves. Or maybe not.

We look forward to seeing you on the battlefield… at least until the war is over… and once again, we thank you humbly for five amazing years.
Citation :
Après 5 ans d'opération, le MMORPG Warhammer Online de Mythic Entertainment fermera ses portes le 18 décembre prochain suite à l'arrêt du contrat de licence entre Mythic et Games Workshop.

J'ai du mal à réaliser que le jeu est sur le point de fermer dans 3 mois...
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Nombre de messages : 1920
Age : 31
Localisation : margencel
Date d'inscription : 08/01/2013

Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'(   Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( EmptyJeu 19 Sep 2013 - 13:01

En tout cas merci pour ce court résumé en français. Mais pourrait on en savoir plus dans notre langue?
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jeune nain
jeune nain

Nombre de messages : 179
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2010

Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'(   Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( EmptyJeu 19 Sep 2013 - 18:03

bon bein voila, le bébé va finalement mourir. en meme temps avec games workshop la licence ça doit coûter un bras.

on aura vécu de très bon moments sur ce jeu, le rvr était super, dommage qu'il ai tourné comme ça pour finir abandonné, puis fermer pour une histoire de licence.
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Nombre de messages : 1920
Age : 31
Localisation : margencel
Date d'inscription : 08/01/2013

Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'(   Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( EmptyVen 20 Sep 2013 - 4:15

Barundim a écrit:
en meme temps avec games workshop la licence ça doit coûter un bras.
Je sais pas pourquoi mais je sens que ça va leur retomber dessus un jour ou l’autre. Qui viendra avec moi dans le monde merveilleux des gammes alternatives quand ils auront couler? sournois 
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jeune nain
jeune nain

Nombre de messages : 179
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2010

Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'(   Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( EmptyVen 20 Sep 2013 - 17:51

je pense pas qu'il coulerons,

les mecs sont malins et surfent sur leur époques :

des livres sur warhammer, ils passent aux ebooks, leur livres en electronique.
divers jeux et versions de leur jeux plateaux dans le monde de warhammer sur des tas de supports informatique.
les jeux de plateaux aimé par les anciens repris sur ipad

et perso, qu'ils vivent, cela permet aux petites boites d'exister car ils font vivre le hobby, les petits pouvant proposer des alternatives ou quelques regiments a integrer a son armée warhammer. de toute facon depuis les années 90 on dit que c'est trop cher et c'est toujours la.
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Enfant nain
Enfant nain

Nombre de messages : 9
Age : 43
Localisation : Toulouse
Date d'inscription : 28/11/2012

Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'(   Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( EmptyMer 25 Sep 2013 - 7:34

Je n'arrive toujours pas à y croire ...
Je suis triste et écoeuré.

@Romarik : je vais tester les nains de world of warcraft également, je te dirai si c'est sympa en comparaison avec warhammer et le seigneur des anneaux.
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Romarik Levert
Romarik Levert

Nombre de messages : 5785
Age : 39
Localisation : Haute Savoie
Date d'inscription : 30/04/2005

Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'(   Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( EmptyVen 27 Sep 2013 - 1:32

World of warcraft, très peu pour moi. Je l'avais fait à une époque.
Un peu trop cartoon pour moi...
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Âge Adulte nain
Âge Adulte nain

Nombre de messages : 409
Date d'inscription : 15/02/2014

Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'(   Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( EmptyDim 23 Fév 2014 - 2:35

Tiens, j'avais pas vu...Dommage...Comme quoi les MMO à licence (regard en coin vers SToR qui bouge encore...Mais pour combien de temps...).

Si il y en a qui cherche du MMO qui dure...avec gameplay profond, je conseille Eve online.

Pas de nain, on est dans le space Opera (on pilote des vaisseaux). Mais le jeu tourne depuis 2003 avec mises à jours régulières et 50 000 joueurs connectées en soirée sur un serveur unique.

Pour ceux qui ont connus, ca s'inspire des jeux comme Elite.

Video de propagande assez bien faite d'une alliance de corporations (guildes) après un come back réussi en secteur 0.0 (là où à lieu le pvp no limits): Eve est un jeu par essence PvP:

Images de jeu:

This is war! Vidéo de promo du jeu par une corpo:

Par contre bisounours s'abstenir, ici on est dans le hardcore game...Un jeu pas facile, et exigeant.
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jeune nain
jeune nain

Nombre de messages : 179
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2010

Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'(   Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( EmptyDim 23 Fév 2014 - 4:43

Ouai eve online c est sympa, jai joué pas loin d'un an, c'est un jeu extremement profond et vaste.
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Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'(   Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'( Empty

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Warhammer Online va fermer ses portes le 18/12/13! :'(
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